Hey guys,
Were heading out in 24hrs. we will be in bali very soon where ewe will be meeting up with the YWAM base there we don't really know what we will be doing till we get there so that will be exciting so we will let you know next week what we get upto!

Prayer Points.
Things go well with Contacts
Travelling goes smoothly
Were heading out in 24hrs. we will be in bali very soon where ewe will be meeting up with the YWAM base there we don't really know what we will be doing till we get there so that will be exciting so we will let you know next week what we get upto!

Prayer Points.
Things go well with Contacts
Travelling goes smoothly
great to see you all at the airport...farewell.. have a safe flight... and look forward to the adventures God has install for all of you...
Love Tracey Guest
i'm already missing you guys! this office is way too quite! May God lead and guide you to do His will! I pray you will be a light to the darkness around you and that God will keep your hearts in perfect peace knowing it is His will you are accompishing and not your own! love, Ms. Pattie
Glad u all arrived safely...our house group are praying on your prayer points and covering U all in prayer... can't wait for the team blog update. Stu (skid) Marks
Thanks for the update. Definitely continuing to pray for your safety and for God's will in the areas you all are touching lives. God bless and may He give you the right word to speak to the different individuals in that area.
Thanks for the update.
It all sounds amazing. I have no idea what it must be like where you are but am excited that God has sent you there for exactly what you're doing ie. Being the presence of Jesus to people who need Him.
Remember Romans 8: The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is in you!
Keep going guys. Ill be praying (mostly for you Tommo, my brother).
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